Territory Proud

Don't have the tools or time?

Our expert team can help-from cutting, folding and welding to complete product fabrication

Territory Proud

Don't have the tools or time?

Our expert team can help-from cutting, folding and welding to complete product fabrication


Custom Welding & Fabricators in Darwin

AKS Welding & Fabrication are Darwin metal work experts. Specialising in custom welding and fabrication, our skilled team has been providing quality services and superior workmanship to locals for more than 30 years.

We can do everything from maintenance and steel product repairs to general fabrication jobs and more! There's no project too big or small for AKS Welding & Fabrication.

AKS Welding & Fabrication are the metal experts in Darwin. We have a well-equipped workshop with guillotines, drills and plasma cutting equipment to ensure a high quality finish. We offer a range of welding and fabrication services including bending, folding, threading, cutting and more!

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